Nominated for 2024 Multihull of the Year

Announced from the Miami Boat Show, the juries from Multihulls World have selected the 2024 nominees for Multihull of the Year, and we’re pleased to see the Gunboat 72 nominated in the category of Multiyacht!
Live voting is now open through the end of March : Vote here (Multiyacht category)
With the 72 we set out to disrupt the definition of the flybridge multihull, as we continue pushing the boundaries on both sides of the performance-cruising continuum. We hope you agree she's in a category all her own.

Gunboat design and engineering together with VPLP, Patrick le Quément, Christophe Chedal Anglay, and Isabelle Racoupeau, worked closely to incorporate a streamlined flybridge and bespoke interior - built with the latest in lightweight construction technology and comprehensive performance engineering. Our focus on semi-customization ensures we meet a wide range of sailing plans and preferences – to have your cake and eat it too!
The Multihull of the Year Award is organized by Multihulls World / Multicoques Mag and the International Multihull Show teams and awarded on April 3rd during the International Multihull Boat Show in La Grande-Motte, France.

Designed to the detail, the integration of a sailing machine and a cruising dream. Learn more about the Gunboat 72.